Saturday, September 24, 2011

Book Review- Johann Wyss- The Swiss Family Robinson

Johann Wyss- The Swiss Family Robinson (Moby Books 1983) 3.25 Stars

When the boat that the Robinson family is on, wrecks near an island, the crew leaves them behind in the middle of a storm. Now they have found their way to the island that the crew missed during the storm. They now must fend for themselves and use the supplies on boat to build a shelter and provide a food supply. What adventures will they find on the island?

This classic I had tried reading years ago, and have returned to try again. The writing is strong and the overall plot is decent. I did find that the plot could have been a little deeper. I also thought that Wyss was trying a little too hard to make it adventurous; it seemed a little stretched at times. The characters were really well done and seemed to jump off of every page. It was kind of interesting to see what they discovered. Overall I thought the book was okay, a good one time classic read.

For more of my reviews check out my website,

Tony Peters
Kids on a Case: The Case of the Ten Grand Kidnapping


  1. can you post how much The Swiss Family Robinson is worth ???

    1. The book cost me about a dollar at a used bookstore. Not sure how much it is worth otherwise


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