Thursday, March 31, 2022

4.16 Jesus Christ is God

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

4 15 1 John Study Begins

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

4 13 God of Hope

God of Hope

In today’s society we are fed negativity from all sides. Twitter spews hatred and censors anything that goes against their belief system, I myself am banned from Twitter simply for spreading the Truth in God’s Word, not suspended, not temporarily banned, no BANNED FOR LIFE. Have to say I don’t miss the negativity of Twitter. The news would rather share stories of despair and fear, instead of stories of hope, you know why? It sells! People would rather watch stories that make them afraid, over stories that feel good. Politicians spread lies and division, resulting in a huge divide in society, a divide so wide, that analysts state that it can’t be bridged, fearing civil war in the US. People themselves spew hate and anger at each other, resulting in riots, murders, and looting. Health authorities spew fear, not wanting people to regain control over their own lives. Everything seems so hopeless, like we can’t possibly keep going like this. And you know what? We can’t! No wonder suicide and depression rates are through the roof. People are given no messages of hope.

God is the Father of Hope. Jesus spreads a message of hope. The disciples in the New Testament spread messages of hope. The Psalms spread messages of hope. What does this teach us? We can’t live in fear, hatred, and negativity. We must be the beacons of hope in this dark world. We must show the world that they can live for something better. Heaven is our future home. What more can one really ask for? New bodies, no pain, no death, no hatred, no fear, and the best of all, life worshipping The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! That is true hope! In Revelation 21, John describes heaven. This passage is amazing. This is what we live for. This new heaven and new Earth are why we should not fear death. It is also the reason why we should be sharing God’s love, so that people don’t end up in the other group described in this passage. We should want everyone to be in heaven with us, for everyone to live in God’s hope. Sadly, many will and do choose to reject God, and choose to live in darkness.

Romans 12:9-13. Here Paul, a man accustomed to trials, tells us how we must live in love. Through love comes a hope in Christ. Instead of sharing in the hate and division of society, and pushing the messages of hopelessness and despair, we must be an example of Christ. Share love, even when people spew hatred. Do not respond in anger, as I am so guilty of. No respond in kindness. When you see someone in need, give to them, help them get back on their feet. My own family has been, and continue to struggle financially, so much so that at times it is a real battle to get on the air, to share with you all. Yet God has been faithful through it all. When we wonder if we can make another month, we receive gifts from our church family, and I am so grateful and thankful for this! God is so good! No matter how dark life seems, our Father provides, His Son wraps us in His arms of love. Our family has been so humbled, and with humility comes tears, but it also comes with strength and growth. As the musicians for King & Country says, “We will rise together.” Christ makes this possible!

Psalm 42, a well known Psalm, which has been turned into modern songs, paints a beautiful picture of God’s love and hope. This was a Psalm sung at my father and step-mom’s wedding, so it has a special place in my heart. The message is that even when we are downcast, or feeling at our lowest, we need only put our hope in God and He will carry us through. God loves us so much that He will choose to take our burdens upon His shoulders and walk with us. Trust in God, believe in the gift of His Son and his death and resurrection. Put you hope in God! He wants a relationship with us. Living in the flesh is clearly not working for the world, it is destroying humanity. What have you got to lose by entering into a relationship with God today? Pray right now! “God You are my heavenly Father. I am so lost right now. I live a life of sin, a life not worthy of You, yet I know that You love me despite my faults. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins, to cleanse my heart, give me a clean slate. I know Your Son rose from the dead after just 3 days in the grave, representing my new life with You. Come live in my heart, let Your Holy Spirit wash over me. I want to be a new creation, to show the world Your Love. Use me Lord, however You wish. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Monday, March 14, 2022

EP 4.8 Are We In The Tribulation Period?

I have heard people claiming that we are already in the Tribulation period. Is this true though? I won’t claim to know one way or the other, for who knows the ways of God? However, we need to take a look at the reasons behind these claims, and how they fit with what the Bible has to say about the Tribulation period and its components. The reasons that I have heard to justify these claims fall under 6 main categories, the China Virus or Covid-19, famine, social division, World Economic Forum, weather systems, and war. Do these claims have Biblical backing? Let’s take a look.

The “Pandemic” of Covid-19 or the “China Virus”, as well as famine. Jesus does mention famine in Matthew 24:7… and is again referred to in Revelation 6:5-8… As you see famine and plague are mentioned in these verses. However, together they will claim over a fourth of the Earth’s population. I do not think that Covid has fit this description. I think that when the famine and plague of the third and fourth seals hits, we will see death on a much larger scale. This really seems to be possibly not far off however, as we see the rising cost of gas, combined with the talk that all the things that farmers need to plant and maintain crops costs skyrocketing. This may ultimately lead to wheat and other food being priced out of most people’s ability to pay, which may cause the famine and weakening, allowing the massive plagues to kill billions of people, as mentioned in Revelation.

Social division is one thing we see breaking apart our countries throughout the world right now. Satan is using it to even divide our Christian community, breaking apart churches. We are inundated with social values that are blatantly not Christian, in movies, TV, schools, universities, advertising, workplaces, government policies, and pretty much everywhere that we look these days. Those in opposition and those who dare speak out, are outcasts, worthy of shunning and censorship, which we see happening more and more, predominantly through social media. This would be the false prophets and teachings that we see Jesus mention in Matthew 24:4-5. These teachings will lead many astray. We could see that this is coming to a head in today’s clashing between various parts of countries, as well as between the governments and its people. I don’t think this has brought in the Tribulation period yet, only leading into the days before the rapture of church, and the opening of the possibility for Tribulation to begin.

As for the World Economic Forum, well this group of power-hungry oligarchs, is only a tool for prophecy to come true. Manipulating the world leaders, whom are, for the most part, a bunch of mindless puppets, into ruining everything our society has held dear. However, they are simply a tool themselves, being used to bring about the fulfilment of prophecy, not a sign of currently being in the Tribulation Period. We can look at this further in the next topic.

Finally, we must look at war. We have had war, and major wars that consumed the globe, many times since Revelation was written. None of these brought in the End Times. Now we see the war between Russia and Ukraine, which is definitely increasing tensions between the many countries of the world. This war is fulfillment of prophecy that is leading to the formation of the 2 powers we are going to see take control with the coming in of the Tribulation period, possibly the EU being one and Russia’s alliance being the other. This does not mean that at this point it will necessarily lead to global conflict, but has the potential to. This is seen in the fourth or final empire of Daniel’s Statue in Daniel 2, as well as the fourth beast of Daniel’s dream in Daniel 7. Which is all referred to again in Revelation 13 when John mentions a world dictator and the Antichrist. It is simply leading towards that prophecy fulfilment. Which will ultimately lead up to what we see talked about in Revelation 6:1-4… The first 2 seals are opened, conquest and war are released. Man will try to conquer and slaughter much of the earth’s population. Jesus also speaks of this in Matthew 24:6-7… Leading to the one world government and religion, which will be led by the antichrist and his false prophets. We have not yet seen the rise of the antichrist, and this will happen in the start of the Tribulation period, nor have we seen the 2 witnesses who appear at this same time in Revelation 11, whether it’s a literal 2 witnesses, or a symbolic 2 witnesses which is the rise of testifying believers.

Something else I have heard mentioned is the weird weather cycles we are seeing. The Bible mentions specifically Earthquakes being used, and we have not seen earthquakes yet that fit Jesus’ description in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6:12-14. The scale of the earthquakes mentioned, has definitely not yet been seen, but our weather cycles and tension between tectonic plates, are building up to allowing this series of earthquakes to take place. This happens DURING the Tribulation, not BEFORE the Tribulation.

The main reason I do not feel that we are in the Tribulation period, and only in a period that is leading up to the Tribulation, which I do not think is far off, is Revelation 3:10… This makes it seem as if we, the Christian church, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour and believe that He rose from the dead just 3 days after being crucified, are to be taken up before the Tribulation period begins. Which is why I hold to the pre-tribulation rapture stance. Hence the events we are seeing in the world today, which are very disturbing, are assisting in the fulfilment of prophecy and allowing the formation of the world to the alignment it must be in, for the Tribulation or End Times to begin. We must stand strong, and spread the Gospel to the world. Follow God’s command in Matthew 28:19-20.