Monday, December 16, 2019

Grievances Against Canada Laid Out-Trudeau, RCMP and CSIS

Tony Peters and The Black Robe

Canada has 2 big agencies in the country to protect our country of Canada. CSIS and RCMP, or Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Both with separate roles. CSIS is our spy agency, and they were one group with the RCMP until 1984 when they were split. CSIS is responsible for national security. They look at documents and listen to conversations to determine what may or may not be a threat to our nation’s security. They operate in missions like the CIA, only to a lesser degree. Whereas the RCMP is not covert in any way. They are responsible for matters within our own borders, including ethical investigations. They monitor our highways, rural areas, and protect people in a security/bodyguard capacity.
Both of these organizations have had their issues over the years. With saying that, I do not take away the importance of what they do, Canada needs both CSIS and RCMP and what they do. They both keep us safe and lower risks to Canadians. One misstep of CSIS was in 2013, when they were spying on a naval officer for many months. This officer was handing over our secrets the Russians, and had been for a while, yet nothing was said from CSIS to the RCMP, who should have been brought into the loop. The FBI ended up being the ones to let the RCMP know about the situation. It shows a disconnect and lack of communication. Which is a problem that needs addressing, as having that issue, could definitely put all Canadians at risk. Little details can be missed, and those “little details” could lead to a big miss, which could cost hundreds of lives. 9/11 would be a good example of the costs of missing things, or not sharing information between security orgs.
Speaking of 9/11, CSIS and the RCMP made a controversial decision right after this. In their defense though, it was a confusing, emotion-filled time in our recent history, so mistakes were made by people at all levels of government, and government entities. Canada had 3 Canadians arrested in Syria, and they did nothing to stop it, or step in, which actually made sense. How the RCMP and CSIS did get involved, is to provide a list of questions that they wanted to be asked, and tortured out of these Canadians. Although Canada was not the ones doing the torturing, we may as well have been, as we knew about it, and through inaction, they condoned the torture. Canada is supposed to have a non-torture policy, and is also supportive of organizations who fight the use of torture. We fight for human rights, yet allow Syria, a country with awful human rights records, to go through with torture. Hypocrisy. We supported it, and then we used the torture to get what information we wanted. A very shameful act, and needs to be learned from.
Of course, both organizations will have and will continue to make many more blunders and mistakes in the future, so this is not to take away from either group, they are important and necessary for country, especially with the rise of terrorism. As a result, I will not focus on their errors, although I would like to see them stand up to our government and investigate Trudeau and the Liberals for the fraud and ethical violations we have seen. Most people would be in jail for the kinds of scandals we have seen Trudeau commit. His personal swing set purchase of $7500. He claims that he is standing up for all the middle class people in Canada, but how many middle class people can afford a $7500 swing set? This was our tax payer dollars being used to pay for a swing set that only a very slim percentage of Canadians could purchase themselves. Who really needs a swing set that expensive? My children play with a swing we bought for a small fraction of this price, and they are perfectly happy with it. Why does Trudeau feel that his children are better than and more entitled than most Canadian children? To spend $7500 on one swing set, using MY TAX PAYER DOLLARS, I would have preferred he use his own money to buy this. I would have liked to see this money spend to purchase 50 swing sets for families in Canada. Families who could not otherwise afford these swings, and whose children do not have that entitled life. It is self-centered and inconsiderate to use the money taken from tax payers, who can’t afford the product themselves, to purchase a swing set for your children. Especially true with the fact that Trudeau is running a deficit, with no end in sight on that deficit. This was a theft of tax payer dollars, and not his only one, just one that stands out for me. I already did a previous article on Trudeau’s ethical dilemmas, and these should be investigated by our RCMP, not ignored.
In June we all saw the word “genocide” come out of Justin Trudeau’s mouth. It was a hasty, and unthoughtful use of the term. This is in reference to the disappearance and murder of many Indigenous women. Trudeau says that his government and past governments allowed, ignored, and did nothing to prevent the deaths of these thousands of Indigenous women in our country over the years. His claims and statement, has led to him and his government coming under investigation by Organization of American States, and they have said they expect full cooperation by the Canadian government. Other politicians and Canadians are upset by these statements from Trudeau, who backtracked and apologized after he realized the implications of what he claimed. It reflected poorly on all of Canada, and was a lack of consideration in his words. This is another error from Trudeau, and another ethical dilemma. Another investigation against Trudeau and his Liberal government.

We need organizations that are going to be held to a high standard. They need to be responsible and follow their policies. Protect Canadians, keep us safe, and to keep our government following ethical laws. We need a government, that is considerate, clear thinking, and avoids ethical dilemmas. More thought needs to be used by our Prime Minister to avoid these unethical situations, do some research, or ask advisers. Help Canada be great again.

Unify The West Server

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