Friday, December 6, 2019

Grievances Against Canada Laid Out-Trudeau’s Foreign Woes

Grievances Against Canada Laid Out-Trudeau’s Foreign Woes
Tony Peters and The Black Robe

Canada used to have a great reputation among the countries of the world. We were respected and treated well wherever we went. People saw our military and thought of peace. Now our military has become the laughing stock of the world, not because of anything our brave soldiers have done, but because our government will not supply them with the proper equipment, sending money overseas instead. As for our Prime Minister, well he is the main reason why our country is no longer respected around the world. We are seen as weak fools. People to be scorned and laughed at. Not ideal trade partners and a country that is so destroyed economically, that our oil has gone from a major export, to being sold off at rock bottom prices, simply because of incompetent mismanagement by our federal government. A country where big businesses are advised against setting up in. How did we come to this?
Let us start with this week’s Buckingham Palace incident, where Trudeau spoke candidly about US President Donald Trump. He was speaking with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron at the NATO summit, not realizing that someone was video recording the conversation, when he stuck his foot all the way down his throat. Always assume you are on camera when you are at events like that, especially when you are a public figure. Letting your guard down, as Trudeau does far too often, is foolish, like asking for someone to make you look like an idiot. Trudeau does not need any further help in this matter, he does it well enough on his own, and it reflects poorly upon Canada as a whole. Trudeau was caught complaining about Trump and his last-minute press conference, his tone was quite annoyed. When this reached President Trump, who is not one to shy away from candid statements, he called Trudeau “two-faced”. I have seen some joking though that he is 3 faced, he is white, brown, and black faced. Brown of course in reference to his being full of crap, or in other cases being “shit-faced”. The black face reference we will look at next. Short term this has become quite the scandal, but long term, it may not play a huge role. Making these kinds of statements about allies, is not the way to maintain allies, when he already chased Israel away. Trudeau did try to dumb the event down and brushed it off. He claims that we have a strong relationship with the US. Yes, we have a strong giving relationship with the US, Trudeau is such a pushover, that Trump’s strong personality brings Trudeau and Canada to its knees in negotiations.

Now for the black face incident. Trudeau over the years, has shown that he has little class or tact when it comes to choosing appropriate costumes for Halloween. He has painted his face black on several occasions, more than he himself admittedly knows. In and of itself, I actually would not see this as a big deal if someone of my social standing did this. It really isn’t a racist act in and of itself, but one would need to be cautious of the crowd you were with, as others may take offense, but our world does take offense too easily. Coming from someone who could expect to always be a public figure, even growing up, which he never really did, he should have refrained from dressing up like this, especially numerous times. One would think that one of his rich friends would have said something about it, but if they had, would he have listened? This incident has further ruined his reputation, if that is possible, but it has also reflected poorly on Canadians. Of course, media blows this out of proportion, and then the activists jump all over it. If the media could focus on real news, we would all benefit.

One of the biggest international screw ups that Trudeau has made is the 2018 India trip. A trip that brings out groans whenever it is mentioned. On this trip Trudeau made a fool of Canadians once again. He turned it into more of a costume dance party suited to his drama teacher days. He wore their traditional garb, but he was not even dressed in the correct clothing for the event he was attending. The smarter move would have been to dress like a westerner, as this is what they would have anticipated and respected. Many of the Indian leaders he met with were in suits already. Then the dance he performed was embarrassing, and improper as well, but I won’t go too far into that. Bad press was again to be had when he was apparently snubbed by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who did not meet with him. How many Prime Ministers have a fellow Prime Minister come to their country, and then refuse to meet with them? Says a lot about what they think of Trudeau and Canada. The biggest scandal of this trip, however, was the invitation to Jaspal Atwal to Trudeau’s party. Atwal is a convicted Sikh extremist who attempted to kill an Indian State Minister who was visiting Canada in 1987. He was sentenced to 20 years in the Court of Canada. Trudeau claims that this invitation was rescinded when he realized the oversight. This may not be the fact however, as Atwal was seen in pictures with Trudeau’s wife Sophie. This whole incident brought anger from the Indian people, and rightfully so. The question that I would put forth is this, what is Trudeau even doing in the same circle as a convicted Sikh extremist? This may provide some insight into his accepting so much immigration from known terrorist countries, and even more insight into his slack security measures for screening these potential immigrants.

Trudeau has a tendency to break ethics laws. He did this again in an international incident, with the Chinese this time around. In 2016, Trudeau held a fundraiser for the Liberal Party. Invited to this event were people who only got invited after donating hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars to his father’s Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation. This fundraiser was held at the home of Benson Wong, who happens to of been the chair of the Chinese Business Chamber of Commerce. The ethics law in question is the ban on “cash-for-access”, which is exactly what happened here. Trudeau then had the nerve to defend his violation by stating that it will bring in middle-class jobs, which of course has not happened.

I could go on and on listing ways that Canada has been embarrassed by Trudeau on an international scale, but I will just touch on one final point. Fidel Castro, the Cuban dictator, was a long-time family friend of the Trudeau family, back to the days of Pierre. Pierre and Fidel were so close that rumours flew about the similarities in appearance of Justin and Fidel, theories arose about Justin being Fidel’s son. Justin even was a pallbearer for Castro’s funeral. Justin Trudeau then makes Castro out to be a great leader, a role model. He claims that Castro did great things for his people, and that he cared for them. The truth is that Castro was a terrible Communist Dictator, who murdered thousands of people, refused medical attention for anyone who was not communist, he tortured and raped anyone who opposed him, and then had slave labour camps. Doesn’t sound like a person who loved his people dearly does it? In fact, it sounds like a tyrant and narcissist, but then again, Trudeau obviously sees him as a role model. Is this what we want for our country? Is this what Trudeau has planned? We the people of the west, need to act and gain our independence, before we see more of this in Canada.
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