Monday, December 2, 2019

Grievances Against Canada Laid Out-Trudeau’s Role Part 1

Grievances Against Canada Laid Out-Trudeau’s Role
Tony Peters and The Black Robe

Canada has seen many wrongdoings happen in their past, from Riel to residential schools, and more examples listed below. With western abuse by an eastern Liberal government, continuing and worsening, many feel that they cannot ever trust the government of Canada again. A major reason behind the push for independence or separation from Canada. Listed below are a sampling of these grievances.
·        The use of military on Canadian citizens in the use of aviation search crafts for the 2 Canadian murders, in July, 2019. What this is in reference to, is that the RCMP was allowed by the government to use a military search craft, when hunting down 2 murderers that were avoiding the police in Gillam, Manitoba. Which in and of itself, is not a terrible thing, but when looked at in the broader scope of things, it sets a dangerous precedent. The use of military on Canadian citizens is supposed to be a last resort, not to hunt down murderers, otherwise what is to stop the government from utilizing the military to control citizens down the road? This is called a military dictatorship, but dictatorship is not something that this government shies away from, look at the censorship being used in a later point.
·        RCMP breaking the law in the High River gun grab. Police entered 4,666 homes during the 2013 High River flood, unlawfully. They seized guns that they claimed were “in plain sight”, but later it was revealed that they in fact searched for the weapons, without a warrant. This is an abuse of power by a government body that should be protecting its citizens, and upholding the law. No real inquiry attempt was made until 2019.
·        SNC-Lavalin Scandal. This one irks me. The large bribes to Libyan officials to obtain a contract worth far more. Then when accused of knowing about it and doing nothing, Trudeau chooses to deny it, after first saying no wrong was done. RCMP investigations, discovered that this was not the case, as well as the Ethics Commissioner declaring wrong doing. Something that should have been the end of Trudeau’s career, but nope, the east turns a blind eye to these crimes. Crimes which would have thrown any normal person in prison, but not even an impeachment for our drama teacher-turned Prime Minister. The Trudeau family can simply do no wrong. Governor General Jody Wilson-Raybould, was pushed and persuaded to offer a “deferred prosecution agreement with SNC-Lavalin”. She has admitted to many conversations with Trudeau himself and a few other Liberal leaders, where they basically ordered her to not pursue the matter. This eventually led to her being fired (she is not the one who should have been fired), she was shuffled into a position for Veteran’s Affairs, which was a show that Trudeau did nothing wrong by her, but a month later she resigned. Jane Philpott, another one of his trusted team, was appalled and she resigned as well, which lead Trudeau to fire both women from his Liberal Party. Sound like someone who respects women and the law? He was found to have committed many ethics violations in regards to this whole situation by the Ethics Commissioner, yet here he sits, as Prime Minister, all is forgiven for the Trudeau family in Eastern eyes.
·        Aga Khan’s Island Vacation Scandal in 2017. Accepting vacations from rich “friends”, especially ones who are high-up billionaire leaders of Muslim Sects, are a no-no for Prime Minister’s. Yet our honest leader, thought it wise to accept this gift, and saw nothing wrong with it. Giving an insincere apology after he was caught, and deemed to have broken more ethics laws. Again, accepting this bribe would have cost any other person their job, and gotten them jail time, but not for a Trudeau. “In a 66-page report, Mary Dawson, the commissioner, said that Mr. Trudeau’s 2016 vacation — and two other trips made by him or members of his family — broke four sections of Canada’s conflict-of-interest law for cabinet ministers, their staff members, senior public servants and others. While Ms. Dawson imposed no penalty on the prime minister, her finding takes the luster off Mr. Trudeau’s longstanding promise to run a government beyond reproach.” This was not the only case of Trudeau accepting bribes and gifts from those whom the government later also gives money to their organizations.
·        Pedo-teacher accusation and cover up. In October of 2019 Trudeau paid $2.25 million to cover up accusations by a former student about a sexual affair he had with her, a student, while teaching at West Point Grey Academy, an elite private school. The money was for a non-disclosure agreement, yet another apparent cover up. He himself signed an NDA upon leaving the school. Also, another sexual accusation, they seem to pile up for Trudeau, making one wonder why this seems to pop up so often for him, especially when his father was a known philanderer.
·        The elbow to another MP’s breast scandal. In 2016, Trudeau was upset with Conservative MP Gord Brown, so he strode into the group of MPs, grabbing Gord roughly by the arm. In doing so, he also elbowed MP Ruth Ellen Brousseau in the breast, so much so that she winced and cried out in pain. However, she received many calls blaming her for it, saying it was her fault, typical blind eastern mentality, and quite frankly, insulting, as they likely would not have said the same thing about a man. Trudeau has “apologized” in the form of his typical half-apology half-excuse nature. He said that while he was reaching for Gord’s arm, which by the way, is also not allowed, he unintentionally elbowed Ruth. Ruth said it correctly when she asked how he thought it was going to end. Yet another case of breach of Parliamentary rules, and basically blames it on Ruth for being in the way. Trudeau needs to take ownership of his actions, that is what a leader does, but sadly Trudeau has already proven, time and time again, that he is not capable of being a leader.
·        The groping of a female reporter in her early twenties, back when Trudeau was 28. The reporter told her bosses at the time about it, and they believed her. Trudeau has always claimed to remember “no negative interactions” from the time of this incident. This allegedly occurred in August of 2000, at a Creston, BC festival. Nothing was done once again, due to lack of proof, but considering this is not the only accusation of this nature, it does make one wonder.
·        $10.5 million payoff to a known terrorist. In 2017, Trudeau and the Liberals paid off known terrorist Omar Khadr. A large payment to someone who has knowingly had ties to terrorism, saying that his rights were violated. One could ask then, what about the rights of all Canadians to feel safe in their country and not have to worry about loose immigration screening policies, that allow immigration from known terrorist countries? Sadly, this was not the first payout of its kind. In 2017, Trudeau also used tax payer dollars to pay over $31 million, split between 3 men who were wrongfully imprisoned in Syria, claiming that the Canadian government was at fault. What a year! 1 known terrorist paid off, and 3 suspected terrorists paid off! There is $42 million in tax revenue the country will never see back, money likely put back into terrorist coffers. Money that could have been spent helping our homeless veterans.

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