Friday, November 15, 2019

Saskatchewan Online Petition Demands Change

Saskatchewan Online Petition Demands Change
Today Saskatchewan has made their voice heard. They want change. Yes, this has been the rally for a while now, but today is different. Action was put behind words. An online petition surfaced this morning asking Saskatchewan Residents to sign. What is this petition? The petition asks for a plebiscite on separation. For those wondering what a plebiscite is let’s explain. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a plebiscite is, “the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution”. In this matter the change surrounds that of remaining in Canada. Although this is the subject surrounding the petition, it is not necessarily the goal of the petition. Let’s come back to that in a bit.
Is an online petition significant? In and of itself, no. However, it is generally used to test the waters, so to speak, to see how people react to the idea put forth. An online petition usually precedes a written paper petition, which IS significant. An online petition does not stand up in court, but a written version does. In the case of the petition spoken about earlier, this is exactly the case. A written petition has been promised from the group responsible for this, Wexit Discord Administration, who claims to have no part of the main Wexit movement, simply because they claim Peter Downing does not play well with others. This is the very same group who has worked in Alberta with Wheatland County MD Jason, to accomplish the motion to replace CPP with a provincial pension plan program. The printed petition is going to roll out after the lawyers have reviewed the petition. Keep your eyes open for it! Once the petitions have reached the desired number of signatures, it then leads to a plebiscite after it goes through the Chief Electoral Officer and the Lieutenant Governor. According to the Wexit Discord Administration member responsible, in part, for this petition, “The plebiscite would bring the question of separation to a vote, and either start the process of separation or put it to rest. Ottawa is not involved with our laws concerning this.”
At this point it remains to be seen how successful this route will be, but it will give a feeling of how the sentiment and solidarity is in Saskatchewan over the separation issue. The purpose then becomes, a signal sent to Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Prime Minister Trudeau, about just how serious Saskatchewan is about a desire for meaningful change. No more empty promises, the people of Saskatchewan want action, they want results. Premier Scott Moe came back from Ottawa after a final, disappointing visit with Trudeau. Prime Minister Trudeau promised to listen to the voice of Western Canada, and that he would take actions to fix what has happened. A false statement and promise given by a Prime Minister who can’t even accomplish a balanced budget, promising more debt to come. Premier Moe, confirmed everyone’s suspicions when he came back after Trudeau refused to give on even one request from a frustrated Premier Scott Moe, whose party has stated that they will be exploring all options. Which is clearly an attempt to figure out what to do next, how to go about bringing positive change for the people of Saskatchewan. Which assures the people of Saskatchewan that we have not heard the last from our Premier, a man of action. A man who in his action plan put forth today, promises to have meaningful meetings with several countries, that Ottawa will have no part of, Saskatchewan has to make these moves themselves, since we have a Prime Minister who simply embarrasses us overseas, and accomplishes nothing but division.
After this it is important that Saskatchewan stand up for themselves, stand up for their rights, demand that they be given a fair shake in this East-run country. The best way to do this seems to be signing this petition, online first, then more importantly, the written petition. Have Saskatchewan voices be heard, make Ottawa and our Prime Minister, who seems completely clueless as to how to keep a country united, listen. Make them take notice. The cash-cow called Western Canada, ends now. Rally to the Flag of Saskatchewan, the flags of the West, and stand up for yourselves! Western Canada has been trampled long enough!
Take the time to sign the online petition and when the written one is out, sign it. You have the right to be heard and respected, don’t let Trudeau abuse you.

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