Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Downing Tries Censorship

Downing Tries Censorship

Yesterday, an article was published called “Downing Makes Bold Statement”. Here is a link to this article, In this article Peter’s statement during the Edmonton Rally is reviewed, to discuss using caution when speaking, as words are powerful. The article also cautions against presenting an image that is unprofessional and can be seen as detrimental to the cause being put forth.

Apparently, my message/article made it all the way to Peter/Eric, in #VoteWexit, mission accomplished. As a result of this I have been banned from the Votewexit Facebook Group. No surprise, only surprise is that it did not happen earlier. No skin off my nose. I ask real questions, that people want real answers to. I do not cow-tow to those who want me to keep silent. I do not hold back speaking/sharing what I feel is important for people to know. Peter and his Wexit group are supposed to be leading us in the West, fighting for a better future, but they do not practise what they preach. If by removing me, you were hoping to silence, here is a little tip, the more you try to silence people, the more power you give that voice. People detect your anxiety and fear of it, then they simply wonder what is behind it, then they do their own digging, their own thinking, and this results in the opposite of what you intended. You will find that the voice is gaining momentum, something detrimental to anyone trying to from their own dictatorship.

Peter Downing himself posted in his #VoteWexit Facebook group, about how Canada needs to boycott Rogers/Sportsnet for the silencing of Don Cherry. Peter believes, as I do, Don Cherry’s comments were not racist, bigoted, nor prejudiced, just simply a truth that our Veterans deserve to be respected by poppy wearing, and some people assumed or knew that they were “You People”, so they took offense where they had to search hard to find it. Well how can someone like Peter Downing preach on something like this, which is the right thing to do, and then proceed to silence other westerners who do not share his view, his ideas, his vision, nor appreciate his lack of leadership? Attempting to silence someone who has helped the movement out with his background work, his articles preaching for a positive change in the West, campaigning for an equal voice in the West, and someone who has always been willing to share ideas. A volunteer, who asks for nothing, except that his voice be given consideration, working to assist in gaining control of our own Pension Funds. All this work, effort, and time spent on a cause he strongly believes in. Yet when he questions the wisdom of Peter’s words and actions, he is cast aside, thrown out for voicing his opinion. Hypocritical? YES! VERY HYPOCRITICAL.

Practice what you preach. If Wexit wants people to follow them, and to follow their example, then they need to set an example by their actions, and through their words. If Peter says he wants people to act one way and that people should be treated one way, he needs to should show them how to do just that. By talking about Don Cherry’s freedom of speech being impeded, and wanting people to take action to fight for his right to speak the truth, then perhaps they should not shut down the voice of others. When a person questions someone else’s leadership skills, and questions the actions and words spoken by this person, shutting them out is not how to handle it. The proper way to handle this situation, is to simply apologize for any irresponsible actions and the hateful words that were uttered, be humble and admit a mistake happened. In the article Peter was given this very opportunity, and he was offered forgiveness for his comments. Peter, instead of an apology or acknowledging his mistakes, simply chose to shut out the person asking. Sound familiar? Sorry, have to pause for a second to think about why that sounds so familiar… Oh right! Trudeau does this very same thing! Peter Downing has accused Trudeau of using biased media to attack #VoteWexit, which IS accurate. CTV, CITY TV, and CBC are among the many news outlets in Canada to be bought off by Trudeau. Why are Peter’s actions any different? They aren’t, simple as that. He is using the little bit of power he has, to shut up anyone who asks or speaks what he does not like. This is not the first time for Peter either. He did not like that his old right-hand man, Pat King, did not agree with him in on the Federal Politics route, and he told him as much. Pat King presented the option of working on a constitution, Downing responded after the disagreement of banishing Pat from the movement. Pat was not silenced, instead he became more outspoken, he could be heard during the rally shouting for a constitution, in which Peter had to respond by adding in that they would look at a constitution. Nice save. Maybe uninformed people will assume that this was in fact Peter’s idea, but readers/viewers, let me tell you this, it wasn’t. Downing will not ever hesitate to steal credit for someone else’s idea or efforts. He did this with the group Wexit Discord Administration as well, with their efforts to assist Alberta in leaving the CPP program to start their own provincially run Alberta Pension Plan, the same group that is working on this in Saskatchewan, as well as many other behind the scenes efforts, which includes discussions with our Native population.
Among many other smaller groups working to implement change in the West, give more power and strength to the West, Wexit Discord Administration group, had been trying to work with Wexit, but has been shot down many times. Instead, Peter Downing and Eric Wall have chosen to take the low road. They refuse to work with other groups, wanting to maintain the full control for themselves, but gladly take the ideas of these groups to claim as their own.
Peter’s perceived power, is far less than he thinks, but with an egotistical person, this is normally the case. They envision themselves as being the only one who can do something, to admit otherwise, would be to admit that they are not the only person who can accomplish things. A true leader knows how to delegate, work with others, and how to give credit where credit is due. When interviewed by Ezra of Rebel News, he was asked about whether he would hold a leadership convention to find a leader to take over the federal party, he seemed flabbergasted by this question. Confused that someone feels that he should not assume leadership without vote. Canada is not a dictatorship, but a democracy. Canada may need to do a lot of work to fix the flawed democratic system that it uses, but it is a democracy nonetheless.
Peter has been asked many times for comment and has always simply ignored, not even refused comment, just ignored the real questions. What he seems to want is sheep to follow him. People who don’t want to think for themselves, just be told the way things are going to be. People who never question. The question, “sound familiar?” bears asking again. The answer remains the same. It sounds familiar as it is, Trudeau likes these kinds of followers as well. Thankfully, though banned, I still have many friends still in his group, so I can continue to call him to task. No one is allowed to ask serious questions. Keep your head down and follow Peter without question. Yes sir, of course sir, as you wish sir. Sheesh, thinking people are not robots. The truth is, however, that free thinking is not acceptable. If it was, then people who ask serious questions and want serious answers, would not be banned. A leader should be encouraging questions, as that means that people are engaged and are thinking. A leader will use these questions to promote growth and to educate the people who are following, and to learn what people are needing. Which is important to anyone who has a desire to help his people.

Peter Downing and Eric Wall, need to take a look at the way they are operating. Listen to the people. Drop ego. The West needs a united strong front, all these groups need to work together, when olive branches are offered, take them. Allow the groups to interact and assist you, or get out of the way, so that these groups can make a real difference in the lives of Westerners.

Tip: Silenced Voices, Grow In Volume

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