Friday, November 8, 2019

East VS West: Ignorance Stops Now

East VS West: Ignorance Stops Now
The divide that we see in Canada today has been growing for decades. We see the West being taken advantage of, used and abused, and treated like second class citizens in a country the West has supported financially far too often, only to have no voice in Parliament. This has been building up distrust, frustration, and hatred between the two halves of a country that should be united. Part of the reason for this is that Canada has very different thoughts, lifestyles, and understanding in many parts. We have the Vancouver-Victoria area, then the Territories, then the rest of the West, Winnipeg-Eastern Manitoba, Urban Ontario, Rural Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. These areas seem to butt heads far too often, causing a huge feeling of division across our Nation. Each of these areas seems to be ignorant to the ideas and ideologies of the other areas. Ontario, Quebec, and part of the Maritimes, seem to be closer in thought and band together to control the rest of Canada. Which is a major cause of anger to the rest of the country. They minimize and remove the voice of most of the West, yet they seem quite willing to accept money, in the form of equalization payments, from the West.

Ignorance. Something all parts of Canada are guilty of. In way too many areas there is no attempt made to understand or see the views of the other parts of Canada. It needs to stop. We are a country, a country that is looking to fracture. The country needs to ensure ALL areas have a voice, ALL areas are represented equally, ALL areas are given the chance to implement their ideologies into our Nation, and ALL areas are shown respect. Right now, what Canada has is a mesh of too many groups that want nothing to do with the other, which is not just a present issue, it has been an issue since Confederation. Quebec immediately grabbed special rights and privileges, and uses them to twist the arm of the country into doing their bidding, something that Urban Ontario is far too willing to allow and get behind. The Eastern mentality has all but destroyed everything the West has worked hard to develop and build. A shattered economy with what seems like no hope for a future in Canada. Fueling a fire smoldering and growing in intensity, spreading vehement flames throughout our Nation, threatening the very existence of Canada. If Ignorance is not stopped, Canada may very well become a part of history, a story told about to future generations, a folklore. Below is a couple of examples of the ignorance mentioned, and responses issued by myself.
Please stop posting this Eastern might sway the dumbasses. The clown has disabled commenting on the vid. Says it all. The blowback to this bullshit was fierce. This is between Western citizens and the criminal Federal authority. We are not fighting for Eastern Canada, a faraway land we have never seen. If they want to remain enslaved to a retarded Fed that is their business. THIS is our home and Eastern Canadians need to stay the fuck out of the conversation.
“Clown? Commenting is still on the vid, I just checked. Check your facts before commenting please. Besides it isn't Eastern Propaganda, it's balanced reporting. Showing all sides of a discussion. If you want one-sided, biased reporting, look at CTV, City TV, and CBC, that is biased Eastern propaganda. What in there offends you? The fact that I mention that it will be a slow process to complete a separation or make change? It takes time, sorry but it does not happen over night. The fact that I mention that not every single person in the West is sold on separating? Sorry but it's a FACT. We both may not agree with these people on the subject, but they are entitled to their opinions, as we are to ours. I agree that I want to be away from Eastern control and have our voices heard again, but that does not mean everyone is forced to agree with us. Forcing people to have your opinion is a dictatorship. Just stop and think about that please. Not wanting to argue, just trying to educate and have people make informed decisions. Thank you

Comment on a Toronto Sun article. 
Robert Mullins commented that someone was a liar and a sore loser.
“You would be a sore loser too if the decisions of Eastern City-Dwellers, with no knowledge of how the world works in rural areas, made decisions for the whole country. Try losing your job, home, car, belongings, forced to go on welfare or take a low paying jobs. Try watching friends commit suicide, as they feel trapped, stuck, due to circumstances beyond their control. Try watching your neighbours move away with nothing, simply because the government that they rejected came into power and destroyed their livelihoods. Livelihoods that lies are spread about, villainized for providing a source of energy that the vast majority of our products are made from. Energy that people who live in large urban areas, deem to be dirty and shame them for making it available, despite living in their cozy homes, with cozy jobs, with cozy cars. Going about their lives like they haven’t destroyed other people’s lives with their uneducated decisions, and brainwashed by a media that is so biased, that truth is far from their goal. All the while, they use the items and belongings that were all made by the source of energy that they deem to be evil. People in large Eastern urban centers, that have no clue about the energy industry they attack. Brainwashed into believing solar and wind energy is the answer, despite these taking more energy to make than they actually provide in their lifetime, particularly wind turbines. These two energy sources use the same energy source to make them, the same energy produced in the oilsands, and pulled from the ground in much of the west. If you want to call the reality behind these facts being sore losers, then I guess we are all sore losers, and you will be as well when this government you Eastern Urban Dwellers voted in, destroys the half of the country that provides the vast majority of equalization payments. Maybe, just maybe try educating yourself on the facts before throwing stones that may break your own glass house. Try using empathy, try looking at other people’s lives outside your own little world, at least attempt to shed your ignorance before it makes you look even more foolish. This government’s foolish policies have already cost us thousands of jobs in the short time since getting re-elected. Don’t let this government take your ability to think, to show compassion, and to ultimately keep your family safe.”
 The hatred seems to run deep between these halves, East and West, but civility can be used. Comments about “F Trudeau” and Quebec MLA’s/MPs commenting complete disrespect for the West, are just not necessary. Comments like these simply work to spread the divide, and simply show how ignorant people can be. The question put forth then becomes, how do we find a resolution? A question I have seen put forth many times, I have seen great ideas come from fellow Westerners, also seen foolishness presented. The best way to combat this is with empathy and understanding. Try to see the other person’s perspective, this goes for both the East and West. Show respect even when frustrated and angry, as Pat King states, “Everyone has a voice, if you can’t talk responsibly and speak respectfully, then don’t talk. All people are entitled to have their say.” He goes on to state that we should “beat with words not fists”, and cautions, “Don’t engage if you can’t be respectful.” Good advice. A loud voice does not normally get what you want. A soft tone garners more understanding and willingness to listen. Do I believe that Parliament will listen? No, but attacking those who oppose you accomplishes nothing.
A slower paced approach that has a desire for change, for the betterment of the West is what is needed. Educate yourselves on the issues, and not just from one source but many sources. By educating yourself, you can then propose strong arguments, win debates, show that the West is not just “dumb hicks”, or “stupid rednecks”, or “white supremacists”. Show that the West does know what we are talking about, use facts to disprove, facts to convince, facts to open eyes. The East is fed a lot of misinformation, or very little about the West, they focus on themselves. The West cannot be this way, don’t be ignorant. Yes, the West will need to fight for their rights, but it needs to be done in the proper manner. By educating yourself, you can then educate those in the East. The East may turn a blind eye to these attempts, but at least you have been the bigger person. A lot is happening behind the scenes in the West to bring about this change, let us do our best to implement these plans, support our efforts, find a way to help. Shouting angry rhetoric full of hate, will only close ears and eyes, and turn the rest of the West away from the movement for change. Anger, bitterness, and hate only hinder the efforts of these people who are working to bring about change.
Angry rhetoric did not bring about the efforts we are seeing success in trying to pull out of CPP and gaining our own sovereignty. Support is best provided through peace. Anger is understood, but use a healthy form of release, not hiding behind a keyboard attacking anyone who says something you don’t like. Learn to control your mind, use it for good. Assist us in bringing about change, show Canada that ignorance is not tolerated, is not needed, and is not helpful. Bring about change by showing knowledge through words and actions. Help us help you. Educate yourselves. Stop ignorance in its tracks.

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