Monday, June 7, 2010

Book Review- Jennifer Lee Carrell- The Shakespeare Secret

Jennifer Lee Carrell- The Shakespeare Secret (Published in the U.S. as Interred with Their Bones) (Plume 2008) 4 Stars

When the Globe theatre suddenly burns down due to arson and Kate Stanley’s mentor dies in the theatre after giving Kate a mysterious gift, she is forced to dig deep into secrets some wish to remain hidden. The gift is the first clue as to what her friend Roz had stumbled upon, and the thing that will throw Kate into a life on the run. She is an expert her field of study, Shakespeare, and she must use every ounce of her knowledge as she spans the globe in search for the truth behind Shakespeare. She is on a deadly quest for the truth that may just destroy everything she holds dear.

Right from page one I was intrigued by this book. Not being a fan of Shakespeare I still found it interesting to learn so much that I did not know about this literary genius. The plot takes the reader on a twisting and winding road that will keep you up late at night biting your nails in anticipation. Just when you think you have everything figured out, something will jump out of nowhere to make you rethink what you had thought right before you can think about what you think right now. Confusing sentence that makes you stop and think? Well I had to stop and think a few times while reading this, not many authors can make me do this so often. The characters were well thought out and I enjoyed reading about them. I will certainly be looking for the sequel to this book as I expect it to be a good one. There were a few cheesy moments, but most books contain at least a few so I will not nit-pick. I enjoyed the setting as it was interesting to see the different parts of the world, although at times it was exhausting to think about how they could trick airport security so easily.

I recommend The Shakespeare Secret (Published in the U.S. as Interred with Their Bones) to anyone who loves Shakespeare, adventure, or a good thriller.

For more of my reviews check out my website,

Tony Peters

Kids on a Case: The Case of the Ten Grand Kidnapping

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