Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Book Review- Jeffery Deaver- The Broken Window

Jeffery Deaver- The Broken Window (Pocket Star Books 2009) 3.25 Stars

Rhyme is still hunting down the killer from The Cold Moon, working alongside British Inspectors. Meanwhile his cousin has just been put in jail for murder. The case seems open and shut, with a lot of evidence pointing at him, but the evidence is just too perfect for Rhyme and Sachs. Their investigation will reveal several other frame-ups and lead them into the cyber world of stolen identities.

The introduction was a little slow and it took me a while to get into this book. Once you get into the heart of the book it does pick up the pace, leading to a dramatic conclusion. I did find that there was a lot of fluff, which dragged things down. I also found some of the situations to be a little unrealistic, sometimes Rhyme comes up with things a little too conveniently. That being said, it was definitely an interesting read, I will certainly be worried about my identity for many years to come. The characters were really well done and I was impressed by how each character was filled out. We just keep learning more and more about this duo and their fellow teammates with each novel in the series. Overall it was a decent one time read and continued the series along, but I do think that Deaver could have done a little better. Now I guess this leaves us with just one question; is this really me writing this review?

For more of my reviews check out my website,

Tony Peters
Kids on a Case: The Case of the Ten Grand Kidnapping

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