Sunday, May 1, 2011

Book Review- Sid Fleischman- The Whipping Boy

Sid Fleischman- The Whipping Boy (Troll Books 1987) 3.75 Stars

Prince Brat (as he is so lovingly called by his people, not to his face of course), is becoming bored with his royal life and wants something new and exciting. Since he is not allowed to be spanked or beaten, he must have a whipping boy to take his beatings. Jemmy has been his whipping boy for many a year, but dreams of running away. An adventure awaits this unlikely pair and things are about to get interesting.

I remembered reading this book in grade 5 or 6 and I liked it. Of course it is not as good as an adult, but it was still a quick enjoyable read. The basic themes, the grass is not always greener on the other side, and don’t take what you have for granted, are great for kids to learn. This time period is kind of cool, so reading about it is interesting. The characters were pretty good for a short kid’s book. The plot was pretty shallow, but still decent for its short length. I would recommend this novel to middle aged children.

For more of my reviews check out my website,

Tony Peters

Kids on a Case: The Case of the Ten Grand Kidnapping

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