Thursday, February 25, 2021

Pray: By Tony Peters

I feel like today prayer is not taken seriously. So many people tend to pray not with grace, but in demands and things that are not for God's glory, but for self-interest. We need to pray by humbling ourselves before the Lord. Asking in patience, not impatience. The Lord works in His own time, not in our rushed schedules. We don't take the time to stop and pray, but pray on the fly. Pray with respect and faith. We are all guilty of these things, and need to stop and check our prayer lives.

I wrote this poem with these thoughts in mind.


Pray for me brothers and sisters, as I have prayed for you

Pray for wisdom, as man lacks much wisdom

Pray for even tempers, as rage swells across nations

Pray for peace, both in spirit and on this earth

Pray for love, as we are called to love our neighbour

Pray for humility, as Jesus, our King, was humble

Pray for strength, as time weakens both mind and body

Pray for boldness, that we may preach God's Word

Pray for faith, as the flesh tries to cast much doubt

And finally pray for unity, as Satan brews division

Always we pray Lord, in the name of the King

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Wash over us, keep our eyes fixed only on You


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