Before I begin with the pictures, I wanted to state something that we encountered while driving home. Cruise Control does not mean your vehicle drives for you. We were driving home on the highway today, and the red mustang in front of us was swerving all over the road between two lanes. When it went to pass a semi, it nearly went off the road. So the first opportunity I got, I flew past that vehicle. The lady driving it was TEXTING! So your communication with whomever you were texting is so important as to endanger my wife and child? Now I am sure you driving texters are rolling your eyes right now as you read this, and thinking, "Nothing bad will happen to me as a result of this, other people sure, but not me!" This is just what a young girl who was friends with someone I know was thinking as she texted her friend. When she got into a car accident as a result of this and died as a result. Or many thousands of drunk idiots have thought over the years as they get into the vehicle to drive home, only to kill or seriously injure someone. It is the same thing. So please think about this as you get into a vehicle and text while driving. If you want to kill yourself, fine, do so in a manner that doesn't endanger anyone else's life. We may have to change the slogan "Please Drive Responsibly" to "Please Kill Yourself Responsibly".
On a brighter note...
We headed up to Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan today. It was a pleasant day spent with my family. I managed to snap some good pics, and have some cool altered pics too!
Love the above Canvas version of the photo below.
Thought the above Scratch Crayon version of the below photo was kind of cool.
The above Water Colour version of the below picture brings out some more details in the photo.
I like how the faded background in the above picture, brings out this Blue Bell.
The above Scratch Crayon version or the below photo is really cool!
Spent the day trying to chase down these stupid chatty squirrels, who wouldn't cooperate with me! The nerve! They must love being in photos about as much as me! However I stole a couple of nice pics. The silhouette photo above is interesting, and he-she posed so perfectly for the below photo, he-she even looked right at me. How kind!
Hope you enjoy my pics! And remember Kill Yourself Responsibly! Don't Text and might hurt my child!