Monday, May 10, 2010

Book Review- Brian Haig- Secret Sanction

Brian Haig- Secret Sanction (Warner Books 2002) 4.25 Stars

When a mass murder happens overseas and a group of green berets are being accused of the murder Major Sean Drummond is brought in to get to the bottom of the case. Right off the bat he is warned that he can’t win the case, but losing is not something Major Sean Drummond is accustomed to. He must team up with a couple of young lawyers at the peaks of their careers and work with them to find the truth, even if the truth may not be as cut and dry as one might think. He must fight a conspiracy reaching to the highest levels and deal with a shocking betrayal. Finding the truth might just be the hardest thing Drummond has ever done.

Right from page one the reader gets a taste of Major Sean Drummond. He is a brilliantly created character who is deep and yet so very shallow. I love his humour/sarcasm and how it quite often gets him into worse trouble then if he had just kept his mouth shut. The plot is one that is twisting and turning, surprising the reader at every junction. This draws the reader’s attention and keeps them interested in getting to the bottom of it; only a talented author knows how to do this with such skill. I found myself wondering if the introduction could have been cut, starting it at the actual case beginning, but I did enjoy the intro nonetheless. I loved how much this book kept my head spinning to figure out who was lying and who was telling truth, who was to be trusted and who was not to be trusted, it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat, so to speak. The ending was okay in my opinion, but I would have liked to see something different. I also did not like their final decision, but I am not sure what I would have done in the same situation. I did love the closing paragraph it made me laugh. I definitely want to read more by this author, although I have already read The Kingmaker and enjoyed it as well.

I recommend Secret Sanction to those who love legal thrillers.

For more of my reviews check out my website,

Tony Peters

Kids on a Case: The Case of the Ten Grand Kidnapping

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